'Juicy Pop Up' by Favela Chic
La Favela Chic has just opened a healthy little daytime canteen in a former hairdressing salon (the sign’s still up over the door) just up the road from their club, in the rue du Faubourg du Temple. To eat in or take away are a great selection of juices and smoothies (3.50€-4.50€), including some obscure Brazilian fruits (açai, cupuaçu, maracuja), as well as optional extras of nature’s natural highs maca, guarana, and spirulina, to add some pep to your day. Also available are home-made sandwiches and cakes, plus hot soups, risotto and feijoadinhas. There are plenty of vegetarian and some organic options, and the crazy décor is typically fun and Favela Chic. Breakfast Ipanema for 5.50€, Lunch Bag between 7.50€-9€. And there’s free wi-fi.
Open Mon-Fri, 9.30am-8pm.