gogoparis.com launch a GUIDE TO PARIS!

 In > art culture design, > eat & coffee, > party, > shopping, > sleep

Since 2005, we’ve been selecting the best from Paris’ hyperactive arts, food and fashion scenes. Now our pick of the best cultural events and newest addresses – shopping, restaurants, galleries, museums, bars, clubs, hotels… – are all in a comprehensive guide format, Always on the cutting edge, we are pioneering an affordable bi-monthly, downloadable, pdf format for our guide (Why invest in a bulky traditional travel guide, with information that was up to date more than a year ago?). Pay for your gogoparis.com pdf guide online, and download directly to your laptop in seconds. Print out on your own printer all or some of the guide, when (and if) you need to. On sale at a special introductory price of only 8 Euros (approx 11$ USD/ 7£) for 55 pages packed with 311 hand-picked addresses, the guide will set you back about the same as a dry martini during happy hour.
Each new bi-monthly edition includes:
>A 100 percent up-to-date selection of the happening boutiques, bars, restaurants, clubs, hotels, galleries and museums of the capital.
>A new selection of must-see events for that period: exhibitions, gigs, club nights, festivals…
>A new selection of ‘hangouts’ from our in-the-know Parisian friends and personalities.
Get more info here.
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  • Lindsey

    Design looks amazing!! Can’t wait to download it!

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Gogo City Guides

We are a digitally driven company publishing new-generation guides to London & Paris.


We also operate as a small editorial & design agency providing custom content and cartography out of Paris & London.